Hongkong Student Visa

Hong Kong Evaluation Report


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Hong Kong Evaluation Report

About visa :

Evaluation is necessary and suggested because immigration to a foreign country involves putting at stake your money and valuable time. Visa to any country cannot be guaranteed hence one should be careful before investing one's resources in this field. Our Evaluation report will act as a preliminary checklist for taking your decision that whether or not to go in for an immigration process of a country.

Our Processing Team does a detailed review of your profile & assesses your education, your institution, & personal finances to determine if you are eligible apply for Denmark Immigration. If you score the necessary points your application is accepted for Full Service & Processing.

Why Evaluation?

We advice all Hong Kong visa applicants to evaluate their profile before investing in the actual visa process. The initial Hong Kong immigration assessment report will check your eligibility and our immigration experts will advice you on the best possible visa.

Hong Kong Immigration Evaluation Report is a document which is produced after assessment of your profile on various parameters outlined by the Hong Kong immigration department. You need to score a minimum of 80 points out of 165 in the Hong Kong Immigration Evaluation Report to qualify for migrating to Hong Kong and permanently settle there as a skilled worker.

Evaluation process:

  • You submit details
  • We check your eligibility and suggest a suitable visa
  • Visa process starts


  • Hong Kong Immigration Evaluation Report is a document which is produced after assessment of your profile on various parameters outlined by the Hong Kong immigration department.
  • Allowing eligible applicants the opportunity to become lawful permanent residents.
  • Hong Kong visa applicants to evaluate their profile before investing in the actual visa process.


  • Age
  • Education
  • Work experience
  • Language ability
  • Family background
  • Points given for each parameter differs and the eligibility for each parameter is measured differently.

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